Pet Friendly Accommodation
Please read this information before making your booking. Hawley provides pet friendly accommodation, in a fantastic location for your dog (or other 4-legged friend) to enjoy your holiday with you. Dogs are allowed to stay in the Stables Spa Rooms, and 'Aquarius' rooms only as these have slate floors and are on the ground floor, with easy access to outside. The Hill House is also pet friendly. Hawley is animal paradise - we have miles of private bushwalking trails, a beautiful dog friendly beach at the bottom of the garden and delightful four pawed hosts. Our three german shepherds are free roaming and will be introduced on arrival, please bear this in mind if your dog really doesn't like other dogs, or is overly dominant or anxious.
Note there is no fenced yard on the property. Please bring your pet's bedding and food bowls with you and do not bathe them inside the rooms.
A minimum surcharge of $50 will apply if additional cleaning is required.
Other animals welcome by arrangement - past guests have included pet ferrets, rabbits, horses, cats and even chickens!
Hello you hairy beast,
Welcome to pet-friendly Hawley House, we are delighted that you have induced your human companions to bring you to visit us.Should your companions have neglected to teach you to read, we are sure you can use your charm to get them to read this to you. A brief note on the don’ts and do’s for dogs at Hawley - all of which we are sure a dog of your sophistication will not need to be told, but perhaps it is a useful guide to your companions.

on the delicate subject of do’s. We all understand that one can be caught short in the most embarrassing places. If this should happen to you, and you fail to make your “do’s” in the loo, and perhaps it should find itself on the lawns or garden, in consideration for the other residents, either remove it under the bushes or pop it in the loo. If you find this too unsavoury for a noble and well-bred beast like yourself, encourage your companions to do it for you. You will understand that nothing is more embarrassing than to look out on your lovely view only to be reminded of your unavoidable indiscretion.
Have a wonderful time, give your companions lots of love as it's their holiday too.
Tell your friends about how animal friendly Hawley paradise is.
be left in your room unsupervised. Ask your companions to take you with them, put you in the car, or on the veranda if they are having dinner or breakfast (you can even ask them to ask us to set them up an outdoor table).
Get on the furniture or bedding as this will lose the $50 bond your companions have lodged to cover additional cleaning costs.
Bark at any time or disturb other guests
Jump up and tear the curtains or scratch the walls.
Be unsociable to other people or any of the menagerie which live at Hawley.

"Thank you Hawley House for a well needed relaxing day and night. We appreciated your amazing hospitality and great home cooked food. I would highly recommend this hotel for pet lovers travelling as well as a get away with your dog. Well behaved dogs are welcome! Your dog will love you forever coming here. Perfectly positioned for direct beach access as well as great hiking. Prepare for a pampering at the end of the day on your return. Food is amazing and the staff can't do enough for you."
Ginger Kat (via Google Reviews)